I’ve been privileged to write for outside publications and have listed a few below. Some were written in a professional context and some are about my own personal journey, but I’ve enjoyed writing every piece. Thanks for reading!
The Adventure Crews
Sapona Shipwreck: Diving 100 Years Back in Time
5 Reasons to Charter a Boat in the Bahamas
Swimming with Pigs at No Name Cay
Boats, Babies, and Backpacks: Thoughts on the Cuban Migrant Crisis
5 Best Things to Do in Key West
MustDo Visitor Guides
How to See Florida Wildlife
Risen Motherhood
When You’re the Only One Who Calls: Taking Initiative in Friendships

Becoming a mother brings a certain kind of loss. Friend groups may change. Schedules shift. Capacities vary. Whether we’re home alone with a baby, juggling work responsibilities, or shuttling older kids and teens around to activities, we can often go long periods without true soul connection. Even in the evenings, kids’ bedtime routines—or our own pure exhaustion—may limit the time we can spend with friends. Connection often doesn’t come easily anymore, not like it did when we were six. We have to fight for it. For me, the problem came when it felt like I was the only one fighting. (READ MORE)
Her view from home

I’m by no means a jet-setter, but I do have a passport. I spent my 16th birthday in Russia on a three-week mission trip. During college, I lived in Thessaloniki, Greece for a four-month study abroad program. After my British husband and I got married, we settled in the UK, where we’ve spent the last 10 years. And now, I’m back in my sunny Florida hometown.
But the most life-changing, formative places I’ve spent? The places that have broadened my horizon beyond myself?
Well, I’m a mother, so the answer came to me instantly:
The floor. (READ MORE)
God Sees the Tired Mama

In my hardest motherhood moments, it’s common for me to look at the screaming toddler or the toy-mess disaster in the living room or the spurned dinner or the bags under my eyes and think What is all of this for? Does any of this matter? And getting into the deeper recesses of my heart and longings Does anyone see me? (READ MORE)
Christian Parenting
Hope for Introverted Moms

I’ve often thought about what a job description for a mother of young kids might look like. Maybe something like this—“Help wanted: care-taker for small humans. Requirements: talking for 12 hours straight; Physical duties include holding, carrying, wrangling, being climbed on; Adept at making snap decisions; Tolerant of high noise and mess levels; Must be willing to never be alone; Hours: all day, often nights, Monday through Friday—oh, and weekends too.”
Sign me up, said no introvert ever. (READ MORE)